Training Across the Region

Have You Heard?

Information comes out so fast and from so many sources, its easy to miss sometimes. We’ll try to grab the big, and small, headline items that we think impact the work you do.

Partner Calendars and Professional Development Resources

Regional & National Upcoming Events

Developing Effective Substance Use Prevention Messaging

Messaging describes different methods of communication that people can use to share information. When utilized effectively by the prevention field, messaging can help improve people’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors around substance misuse. Recent data suggests that the reach of prevention messaging has decreased among youth at the same time that perceptions of harm for many substances has also decreased. Effective messaging is a critical tool in preventing substance use among youth and adults. This webinar will help prevention professionals learn why messaging is important to the field, understand how prevention can utilize a variety of messaging tools, recognize the core elements of how to craft an effective prevention message, learn the best practices for creating a prevention campaign, and discover how to share prevention messages among different audiences. The Central East PTTC has created a new infographic product to further share this information which will be reviewed as part of the webinar. Lastly, participants will be able to put this information to use by working in small groups to develop a prevention messaging campaign based on a provided scenario.

Date/ Time: Thursday, July 11, 2024, 12:00-1:30 PM CT/ 1:00-2:30pm ET

A Potentially Deadly Intersection: Social Media, Substance Use, and Mental Health

Social media is a permanent fixture in our world and while there are positive aspects to it, there are also negative and potentially deadly effects related to substance use and mental health. Community coalitions need to be aware of those effects and work to address risk and protective factors around the intersection. This session will discuss emerging data related to the intersection of the three topics, as well as delve into ways to utilize the prevention model to address risk and protective factors and incorporate strategies to strengthen individuals and communities.

Date/ Time: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 12:00-1:30 PM CT/ 1:00-2:30pm ET

Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals

Learn the fundamentals of accessibility, which involves specifically considering the needs of people with disabilities when developing products and services to ensure they benefit everyone.

Date/ Time: Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 10:00-11:30 PM CT/ 11:00-12:30pm ET

Preventing Substance Misuse on College Campuses

The college years are a time when students may experiment with drugs for the first time. This is why college is the ideal setting to implement substance misuse prevention strategies. This webinar will include an overview of current drug use rates among college students; a strategic planning guide for preventing drug misuse among college students; successes and challenges experienced by colleges and universities applying the Strategic Prevention Framework; a real-world profile of a university’s experience implementing substance misuse prevention strategies; and tools for professionals working to prevent drug misuse among college students.

Date/ Time: Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 10:00-11:30 PM CT/ 11:00-12:30pm ET

Support Extension